A new system has been implemented for submitting work order. There are 4 ways you can submit a work order:
1) Manually fill out a work order at the clubhouse front desk
2) Go to https://www.maintenancecare.com/html/Multilinks/blueridgecondo.html (no login required). Save this link as a favorite in your browser.
3) Go to www.brhomeowners.com or www.brcondo2.com website – click on the New Work Order link
4) Mobile app: (you will need to create a mobile app login)
o For Apple devices – you can go to either one of the following to download the mobile app:
Go to https://apps.apple.com/us/developer/maintenance-care/id971937332
Or search for iMcare (image below) in the App store and pick the Productivity one
o Android devices – you can go to either one of the following to download the mobile app:
Go to https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.maintenancecare.mcar
Search for iMcare (image below) in Google Play Store and pick the Productivity one
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