Blue Ridge Golf Club
Golf Course Update
Even though it is cold, and we have had some snow on the ground the Golf Grounds crew has been hard at work grooming the course for next season.
To date the Fairways have been aerated two times this fall.
Lime has been applied to sweeten the soil on the entire course.
Organic products have been applied to enhance the health and growth of the turf.
All Greens have been aerated multiple times for better air movement to promote a healthier surface.
Tree lines have been cleared, brush has been removed and old debris that was on the course was also removed. This will allow the remaining trees and plants to become healthier and will also allow better air flow on the course. It also enhances the look of the course which benefits all of us in the community.
Over the winter Tees 1 and 8 will be renovated and improved.
Temporary greens have been placed for you diehards that like to play in the cold.
As always please follow the course rules and replace your divots. Also, during the winter months please stay off the greens.
The work that has been completed and the additional work that will be done this winter will ensure that we have a healthy good-looking course next season.
- Open 7 days 8AM to dusk, weather permitting
- Closed Wednesdays until noon for maintenance
- Reserved Thursdays 8-10:30 AM for Mens Golf League
- As of 11/01 all the greens and fairways have been aerated, fertilized, and seeded.
- Work is being done to restore the practice area.
To join the Mens Golf League, speak to a ranger or reach out to Vinny.