First round
- Team Hydroflask and the Survivors have the bye this round.
- Just One More vs 3 Men and a Beatch. 3 Men win in 2.
- Bourbonaders vs the Land Sharks. Bourbonaders win 2/3.
Second Round
- Team Hydroflask vs 3 Men and a Beatch. Team Hydroflask wins in 2.
- Bourbonaders vs Survivors. Bourbonaders win in 2!
Team Hydroflask vs Bourbonaders. The only 2 teams to hold first place positions during the season battle in the finale.- Bourbonaders win game 1. Team Hydroflask wins game 2.
- It went down to a game 3 for the title. Team Hydroflask wins the championship.
- Great battle.
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